The Cutler Family

Thursday, March 31, 2005

Lewis with Bonny and Tanny.

Lewis and Tanny again.

Lewis and Tanny

Lewis with Tanny and Bonny

Sheridan giving it some on the Karaoke

Elaine around Andy & Sheridans place.

Gary pretending hes has some sort of control over the Hounds.

Angela Beating the Dogs

Lewis Dog Taming on Waikiki Beach

Perth Zoo

Lewis on Port Kennedy Beach

Thursday, March 24, 2005

Canning River.

Ken's Boat.

Ken having a go.

Praying isnt going to help you matie.



No laughing!

And theyre off

Lyn giving the boys some kayak lessons not that they needed it.

Ken's Boating day on the Canning River - Triffic.

Gary the Dolphin! Thats Dave and Dave watching my excellent display. It looks like I've been Shot!

Swimming with the Dolphins.

Is it that a Dolphin or Jaws (stolen with thanks from Yve and Daves website)

Waiting for The Dolphin show to begin.

Fishing after the Barbie on Port Kennedy Beach.

Baywatch babes.

This is my Kayaking Instructor (Worzel Dave)

Me and Chris.

Noel & Elaine at Port Kennedy Beach Picnic Area

Out for the count!

Tanny - Relaxed or what?

Wednesday, March 23, 2005

Elaines just taken the ring off Noel and hes crying likea baby!

Hogs Breath in Mandurah for a lovely Steak on our 21st Anniversary.





Bonny first thing in the morning. Shes decided that her bed isn't good enough for a Princess anymore!

Another uninvited pool guest before eviction!

Sunday, March 20, 2005

"Crabfest" in Mandurah

Hi Everyone.

We had an excellent day out in Mandurah in last Sunday at the Crabfest which is a bit like the Christchurch Regatta. About 5 families all went and took different tucker and Dave took his 2 man Kayak. Sorry but no pics as we forgot the camera.
There were water skiing display teams and Power boat racing. Some were those really flat ones with the big outboards and some with those huge V8s in a boat the size of a 1 man dingy.
Made all the more exciting because 2 of them hit on the turn up by us (no one was hurt), and one of them was sinking rapidy as they towed it back.


Saturday, March 12, 2005

Night out at The Movies with a difference.

Hi All

Just thought we would let you know that we had a different experience last night. No nothing funny, we experienced our first outdoor cinema and it was fantastic with a couple of friends from work.
I spent a lot of the time just looking round and thinking what a beautiful place we were in.
Just to the left of the screen was the big Burswood Resort Hotel which is lit up all along one side with coloured lighting that gradually changes colour every few minutes. The sky was crystall clear and the stars were gleaming. I just sat there thinking wow this is amazing!
We took our big patio chairs as it was a double feature and we wanted to be comfortable (so it was handy aving the X-Trail). I could see a lot of jealousy as we set those babies down at the back of the field.
You can order pizzas when you get there that come from Eagle Boys,we were too late getting there to order so we had to settle for sausage sizzles (hot dogs to you Poms). There's other counters for drinks, ice creams and stuff at the back. The booze is really cheap as well, bottles of beer for only $2.50. We had a couple of bottles of Shiraz throughout the evening which was very nice (thanks for driving home Dave!).
By the way it was Finding Neverland first and then National Treasure, I nearly stayed awake until the end as well, will have to get the video out to watch the end.
Anyway it was a special evening and just thought we'd share it with you lot.

Gary, Angela and David.
You can check out the place at :-

Wednesday, March 09, 2005

Dave just got back from TAFE.

Two of the finest Poms in town.

London Court in Perth City centre.

London Court in Perth City centre.

Not Kings Park. This is London Court in Perth City centre.

Kings Park being set up for a concert. Not sure who yet.

Sorry still more of Kings Park

Angela in Kings Park

Angela with the Swan brewery and river behind.

Gary with the Swan brewery and river behind.